Saturday, March 24, 2012

Enter Wearing Latex

I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures lately, but my computer decided it was time to stop working. I milked it along as best I could, but it refused to do Second Life and Photoshop, so I finally bought a shiny new one. My virtual wife and I celebrated by bopping around SL and rejoicing in the fact that I wasn't crashing. One of the places we went was a concert, and our friend Justine popped in wearing the most fantastic outfit and agreed to pose for the blog, so the next few days will feature some very hot pictures of a world-class avatar in Justine, along with my gorgeous wife, in latex!

I got some great pictures from the concert of my wife and Justine.

I'm getting ahead of myself in the chronology of the pictures, but after this concert we all went to a Linden House that Carol owns and where we do some photo sessions. After that I had to split and the girls went to a fashion show that Justine blogged on my wife's store's blog.

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